About Our Commitment in Kenya

Sovereign Life Fellowship has helped support Mike Curry and his wife Teresa in ministry for several years. Mike reached out to SLF and expressed a great need for additional support focused solely on the pastoral training center located in the city of Kenyenya which is part of Kisii County. This training center houses young men for up to two years, supports them and their families while they are in training, and sends them out upon graduation to plant churches in their own communities. They are taught basic Christian doctrine and are taught the fundamental truths needed to preach and teach the gospel. The center is led by Pastor Christiano Mboyi. Because of this training center, hundreds of pastors and teachers have been sent throughout Kenya and the gospel is being heard by those who have never heard before.

As you can imagine, the cost to run this training center and support the young men there comes with a financial commitment. Their support is dependent upon other believers who give. At the same time Mike Curry was looking for support, our elders and mission team were looking for ways to expand our global mission outreach. It is the desire of our elders that SLF make a commitment to missions that will not only allow our own members to become active in the mission field, but also step out in faith like never before.


Mike asked us to commit to 5 years. The cost per year in support of the training center is $24,000. In addition to that, the elders would like to send a small team from SLF to Kenya each year to see the work being done, as well as assist in ministry, training, and community outreach. The cost for sending our members on mission will vary from year to year depending on the number going and the changing costs of travel. Our first team traveled to Kenya in August of 2022, and our second trip is planned for August of 2024.


While we are growing in ways that only God can receive the credit for, we are still a small church. This commitment is not a small one and we are aware of that, but our God is not small. We trust in His provision. We are asking for you and your families to prayerfully consider what you can do financially to help support our commitment to Kenya. Our desire is to build lasting relationships with the people there and to support and love them as they strive to carry the gospel far and wide. We want to make sure that you, as a congregation, know exactly what your money is going towards and that you are made aware of the work being done there. We will do our best to keep you up to date and as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. To find out more about Mike Curry and the training curriculum at the center, see the links below. A hard copy of this curriculum will also be made available at SLF for those that would prefer to review that way. If you have not done so already, please fill out a commitment card so we will have an idea of what to expect financially. These cards are available in the SLF worship center and main foyer.

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